Wednesday, August 2, 2017

List of Rank's index 2017-2018

INDIA'S Rank In Different Indexes Released In 2017

🌞World’s Men’s Football teams -101st(Brazil-1st)
🌞Tourism rankings - 40th(France- 1st)
🌞Bribery and corrupt practices in businesses - 9th(Ukraine- 1st)
🌞ICC Test rankings - 1st
🌞Human Development Index-131st(Norway- 1st)
🌞World Happiness Report -122nd(Norway- 1st)
🌞Global Ranking- Mercer's Quality of Living Rankings -144th (Vienna, Austria- 1st)
🌞World Bank’s Ease of “Doing Business” Rankings-130th(New Zealand- 1st)
🌞Kearney Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index- 8th(United States of America- 1st)
🌞Green energy spending- 5th(China-1st)
🌞 Milk Production - 2nd(United States of America-1st)
🌞 Global hunger index- 97th(Zambia- 1st)
🌞 Global talent competitiveness-89th(Switzerland-1st)
🌞Corruption perception Index - 76th(Somalia- 1st)
🌞Nuclear material security - 23rd(Australia- 1st)
🌞FDI confidence- 9th(United States- 1st)
🌞Intellectual property (IP) index -43rd(United States - 1st)
🌞Remittance Index -1st
🌞Crony Capitalism-9th(Hong Kong- 1st)
🌞World Press freedom index -136th(Norway- 1st)
🌞Defense Expenditure- 4th(United States - 1st)

HQ of International Organisation Tricks


🌟 Rule 🇦: ➡ If the name of any Organization starts with “ World or International” and ends with “ Organization“, their headquarters will be in “ Geneva, Switzerland“.

Remember : [ W_O & I_O ] —- Geneva, Switzerland
[ W_O]
1. W orld Health Organisation
2. W orld Intellectual Property Organization
3. W orld Meteorological O rganization
4. W orld Trade O rganization
[ I_O]- Except IMO
1. I nternational Labour O rganization
2. I nternational Committee for Red Cross O rganization
3. I nternational Standardization O rganization [ISO] —-originally International Organization for Standardization
4. United Nation Conference on Trade And Development

 Rule 🇧: ➡ Trick for Organizations whose headquarters are in London
Remember : I Am a Common man in London
1. I – International Maritime Organization (IMO)
2. Am – Amnesty International
3. Common – Commonwealth of Nations
4. Common – Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization

🌟 Rule 🇨: ➡ If any Organization is related to “International Money or Monetary organization”, its headquarters will be in Washington DC.

1. International Monetary fund
2. World Bank

 Rule 🇩:➡ If any Organization is related to “Industrial Development/ Petroleum/ Atomic” , its headquarter will be in “ Vienna, Austria “

1. United Nations Industrial Development Organization
2. International Atomic Energy Agency
3. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

🌟 Rule 🇪: ➡ For Headquarters of Organizations located in Newyork, remember – “ UN Child Emergency in Newyork”

UN Child Emergency in Newyork
1. Un ited Nations Organization
2. Un ited Nation International
Child ren Emergency Fund

🌟 Rule 🇫:➡ If any Organization is related to the term “Economic & Educational”, its headquarter will be located in Paris

1. Organization for Economic Co-Operation Development
2. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

🌟 ➡ Trick to Remember the Headquarters of some other International Organizations
1. ASIAN Development Bank [ ADB ]–
MAN ila, Philippines [ ASIAN MANila ]

2. Association of South East Nations [ ASEAN ]– JAKarta, Indonesia [ ACE JACK ] –Remember Playing cards

3. FOOD Agriculture Organisation [ FAO ]–Rome, ITALY [ FOOD IDLY ]

4. International COURT of JUSTICE– The HAGUE, Netherlands [ Remember COURT given JUSTICE HANGUE ]

5. South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation [ SAARC ]–Khatmandu, Nepal